Sunday, September 5, 2010


Kerry Park Circuit

I did this at Kerry Park in Seattle.  There's a pretty sweet stairwell that leads to the park from 3rd Ave W.  Each leg of the circuit involves sprinting up the stairs to the center portion of the park, doing the exercises listed, and then jogging to the bottom.  There are 5 legs and the whole thing is done twice.

Leg 1 - 25 Pushups, 25 Bench Jumps (no stopping)
Leg 2 - 20 Elevated Pushups, 20 Lunge Jumps
Leg 3 - 15 Narrow Pushups, 15 Wall Jumps (full squat at start, stand at top)
Leg 4 - 10 One-Leg Pushups (switch at 5), 10 Lunges (each leg)
Leg 5 - 5 One-Arm Pushups (each arm)

Total Time - 25:27
Average HR - 84%
Max HR - 102%
Calories - 589
Recovery - 29 BPM


Easy Bike, 40 minutes out and back along 15th Ave NW

Total Time - 41:36
Average HR - 71%
Max HR - 86%
Calories - 726
Recovery - UNK