Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today's Focus: Upper Back

Ring Pullups x 25
Ring Inverted Rows x 25
Unilateral Pulldown
  12 @ 50#
  10 @ 60#
  12 @ 60#
  15 @ 50#
Bent Row (Alternate Overhand/Underhand Grip)
  10 @ 135#
  10 @ 135#
  12 @ 125#
  10 @ 125#
  12 @ 115#
  12 @ 115#
Wide Pulldown
  8 @ 160#
  10 @ 140#
  10 @ 140#
  15 @ 120#
Pushup + Unilateral Leaning Row (See Notes)
  8 @ 65#
  7 @ 65#
  6 @ 70#
  5 @ 70#
Lat Skulling Pulldown
  15 @ 50#
  12 @ 57.5#
  10 @ 65#
Pullups x 20


Easy Run (5+ mi)


When annotated in this fashion (Pullups x 25), execute the total number of reps in as few sets as possible before moving on to the next exercise.  Ring Pullups are done on a set of gymnastic rings.
Inverted Rows are done, holding a bar or rings, feet elevated.  Body should be held rigid.  Rep begins with arms extended.  Pull elbows back until the body is parallel with the ground and the bar touches the chest at the sternum (with rings this is done until the hands are even with the armpit).
Unilateral Pulldown - one hand at a time, cable pulldown.  Do the prescribed number of reps on each side.
Pushup + Unilateral Leaning Row - start in a pushup position with dumbells in hand.  Do a pushup, then row one weight, keeping the body as straight as possible.  Do another pushups, then row the opposite dumbell.  This is one rep.
Lat Skulling Pulldown - done with a breaker bar on a cable.  Bar is pulled down with elbows locked.  Upper body is bent forward slightly at the waist.  Focus on pulling the elbows back.