Sunday, February 20, 2011


Core Warmup 3x (45#, 95#, 115#)

10 Muscle Ups

  5 Clean and Jerk (135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#)
  5 Burpee Pullups

  5 Thruster @ 135#
  10 Box Jump @ 24"
  500m Row (1:49, 1:43, 1:39)

  RDL @ 185#
  LDBR + Pushup @ 70#

10 Reaching Pullups (at the top of the pullup, launch yourself up to the higher bar, complete the pull, then drop down and repeat... requires a double bar)


Kerry Park Circuits:

Every 3 min, run the stairwell.  In between, execute:
50 One-Arm Pushups
50 Burpees
50 Box Jumps
50 Lunge Jumps
50 Air Squats

Extra Credit:
50 KB Snatch
50 One-Arm KB Swing

my friend Tara finished in 19:02... for a tiny little girl, she's a beast.