Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Focus: Shoulders

25 Barbell Snatch @ 95#
25 Hang Clean @ 135#
25 Push Press @ 135#
25 Ring Dips

5 Rounds (Continuous) of:
70# Farmer's Carry
53# KB Waiter's Walk
95# Barbell Briefcase Carry
5 Single-Hand Handstands (each)

Farmer's Carry - 70# DB or KB in each hand, walk down and back (approx 50 m)
Waiter's Walk - 53# KB is held overhead in one hand.  Walk down and back with one hand then switch and repeat
Barbell Briefcase Carry - 95# Barbell is carried in one hand at the side (like you would carry a briefcase).  Switch after 25 m.
Single-Hand Handstands (SHHS) - do a handstand with toes against the wall (you should still be completely vertical).  Pick one hand up off the ground and sweep it back to touch your thigh, then put it down and do the other hand.  The slower, the better.