Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Workout #1:
Warmup: 3x
  8 OHS @ (45#-75#-95#)
  8 Good Morning @ (45#-75#-95#)
  8 Ostrich
  5 GHD Ham Raise

Set 1: 4x
  3 TGU @ 65# (ea)
  10 OHS @ 95#

Set 2: 4x
  10 Clapping Pushups
  5 BB2B Pullups
  25 Bench Press @ 95#

Set 3:
  15 Push Press @ 95#
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  25m Briefcase Carry @ 53# KB (ea)
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  2 BB2B Pullups
  15 Push Press @ 95#
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  25m Briefcase Carry @ 53# KB (ea)
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  2 BB2B Pullups
  15 Push Press @ 115#
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  25m Briefcase Carry @ 53# KB (ea)
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  2 BB2B Pullups
  15 Push Press @ 115#
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  25m Briefcase Carry @ 53# KB (ea)
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  2 BB2B Pullups
  7 Push Press @ 135#
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  25m Briefcase Carry @ 53# KB (ea)
  50m Farmer's Carry @ 2x53# KB
  2 BB2B Pullups


  BB2B = belly button to bar.  started out as kind of an accident... i just did a good strong kip and ended up pulling far past my sternum, so i figured i'd try to finish each pullup at my belly button.  kind of fun.
  the carries weren't too hard at 53# ea, but i didn't have access to more than one 70# KB.  in the future i might just do the briefcase carries at a heavier weight.


Workout #1:
Tabata Thrusters @ 40# DBs
1 min rest
Tabata T-Pushups
1 min rest
Tabata Burpees
1 min rest
Tabata Bottom-to-Bottom Squats


still rehabbing a lower back injury... most of the pain is gone, but i didn't want to hit the first workout back too heavy.  this might sound weird, but i think i like tabata burpees.