Friday, August 26, 2011


Warmup: 2x
  5 Air Squats
  5 OHS @ 45#
  5 Ostrich (ea)
  5 HSPU

Set 1: 3x
  5 OHS @ (135#-155#-185#)
  10 Box Jump @ 38"

Set 2: 5x
  2 Snatch Complex (95#-115#-115#-135#-135#)

Set 3:
  9 Clean and Jerk @ 115#
  6 Clean and Jerk @ 145#
  3 Clean and Jerk @ 175#
  1 Clean and Jerk @ 205#


  I'd planned on completing the C&J pyramid, but found that I had torn a pretty decent sized chunk of skin off of one of my fingers and didn't have my tape with me, so I cut it off.  There also isn't a TON of work done here... I spent a fair amount of time coaching.  I'm planning on doing some hill running later in the day.