Thursday, January 5, 2012


Workout #1:
Set 1: 10x (Dynamic Effort... on the minute)
  2 Front Squat @ 165#
  5 Air Squat

Set 2:
  50 Squat Clean and Jerk

Set 3: 5-5-5
  Snatch Balance @ 75#

Dynamic Effort means the focus is on bar speed.  I used the air squats immediately following the front squats to "rehearse" the movement speed I wanted.

Initial Plan for Set 2 was to do this at 185# for time.  I made it through 6 reps then decided to drop the weight to 165#.  The Clean was manageable, but catching in a full front squat after the dynamic effort set highlighted how weak my legs are.  Finished 30 reps in 12:31, then dropped weight again to 135# and finished the last 20 in about 6 minutes.  I'll probably do this set again next week as power cleans and see if I can rock right through.

Snatch Balance resembles a behind-the-head jerk caught in the bottom of an overhead squat.  The point here is to drop under the bar as quickly as possible... you're not pushing up on the bar so much as extending your arms as your knees bend and feet spread for the catch, so the bar should remain in place while you move under it.

Workout #2:
Recovery Cardio (we did 4-5 mi road march fast and flat)