Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Focus: Arms

20 Assisted Muscle-Ups

4 Rounds:
5 DB Curl @ 50# (ea)
10 Overhead Skullcrusher @ 80#
10 Neutral-Grip Chinups
15 Narrow Pushups

4 Rounds:
5 Hammer Curl @ 40# (ea)
5 Overhead Extensions @ 35# (ea)
8 Wide-Grip Chinups
16 Dips

Cable-Work (4 Supersets)

5 Rounds:
Ring Rows (10-10-8-8-8)
Ring Dips (10-8-6-4-2)

If some of the numbers seem unusual, that's because I plan the workouts, then do them and adjust the weight or reps based on what I can complete.  If you can do more weight or more reps, go for it... just remember that if a set calls for a lower number of reps, the resistance should be higher, and vice versa.
Assisted Muscle-Ups: I'm not at the point where I can do 20 muscle-ups.  I did as many on a normal bar as possible, then utilized an assisted chin machine to do the rest.  I feel like this trains the motion (and the transition between the pullup and dip).  If you can crank out 20, go for it.
Neutral-Grip Chinups = Bars should be narrow and parallel, so the palms of each hand face each other.
Cable Work = your choice.  I did unilateral bicep curls and unilateral reverse tricep pushdowns, but the goal was to compare weight to the last time I used cables.  I saw a 10# increase in both exercises for the same number or reps... that means my arms are getting significantly stronger without actually practicing the cable exercises.  Feels good.
Ring Rows/Dips = do 5 supersets however you want, I annotated how I did them.



Focus: Legs/Shoulders

6 Straight Leg Deadlift
6 Overhead Squat
6 Good Mornings
6 Over-and-Back Shoulder Stretches
6 One-Handed Hand Stands (ea)
(45#, 75#, 105#)

25 Hang Clean + Push Press @ 155#
25 SDHP @ 155#
25 Snatch @ 95#
5 TGU @ 65# (ea)

5 Rounds of Squat Complex @ 115#:
5 Overhead Squats
5 Front Squats
5 Back Squats
5 Push Press
10 Box Jump @ 42"

Extra Credit:
25 Romanian DL @ 155#

Over and Back Shoulder Stretch - done with a piece of PVC pipe... take the pipe over your head until it touches your hips, then back to the front.
HSPU = Hand Stand Pushups
Hang Clean + Push Press = Do each push press immediately following each hang clean (i.e. don't split them up into two separate exercises, it's much harder to do them together than supersetted)
SDHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
TGU = Turkish Getup.  I did the first couple reps at 75# (point is to be pushing max weight) but dropped the bar like a retard and messed up my wrist.  Don't push the weight too high on this exercise if you're not ready.